A big thank you all for
helping me break the 20,000 reader score that I hoped would happen.
It makes me very happy
to see the figures growing day by day, I shall continue to add useful tips and
information that I think will be relevant to your needs.
Let me know if any of
my information has been of use to you? I
have had some very good feedback from only a relatively few people since I
started my blog.
Seems you are happy with what I choose to
write about.
I make no money from doing
this, however; I can earn a very small amount if viewers should choose to click
on the advertising video on the right-hand side of the page and just take time
to view it.
Please only view the
advert if you are interested in the subject.
I thought that you
would be interested to know my top ten viewing Countries:
1) The United Kingdom 7,844
2) United States of America 3,497
3) Russia 1,625
4) Ukraine 982
5) Germany 900
6) Poland 521
7) Australia 502
8) France 432
9) China 215
10) Latvia 135
My blog now goes out to
74 Countries around the World and seemingly growing all the time.
Thank you all.