Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Oak cabinet top refurbishment

On this project, I was asked to strip off the old finish to get back to the wood as the client wanted the surface to match with the flooring.


I used a very sharp scraper to remove the old coating and this also helped to keep down any dust, as I swept with my dusting brush all the debris into a plastic bag.
Then I was given a two-part lacquer by the client I applied the first coat of lacquer and left it to dry overnight as per instructions then the next day applied the second coat of lacquer that went on shiny but later dried to a very matt finish again left to dry then returned the next day for the final coat.
As you can see the client had the remainder of the unit painted not by me as shown not sure that I like that but it does not belong to me!

The customer is always right…

Please note the date year on the pictures should show the year 2014

Comments and feedback are very welcome.