Friday 26 August 2022

My sad loss


 Dear readers,

I am sorry that you haven't seen anything new on my blog site for a while; the reason for this is that recently my lovely Japanese wife of forty-six years of marriage died, therefore; I am going through so much pain and upset.

Thankfully I have some good friends to give me; support and encouragement during such difficult times.

My closest friends have told me to remember all the good times we shared; this will give me the strength to carry on.

I will do my best to get back into adding new content when I have the motivation to carry on.

Now I must restart my life and am unsure which way to turn.

I know that my wife would want me to do my best to rebuild my life therefore out of respect and love for her I will do so.

I never expected my wife to go before me I had always thought that I would go first in life we never know what's around the corner.

Thank you for taking the time to read all my posts, they are much appreciated and I hope they are educational to you.

Kind regards,


Thursday 3 March 2022

Ladder Finishing

Hi, today I want to show you a recent request to stain and finish a wooden ladder made from both pine and beech.

Firstly, it had to be sanded down luckily for me it had already been done.

Then came the staining it had to match a pattern colour, after going through a number of stains a choice was made.

Applied several applications of stain to achieve the desired colour. 

After setting up the spray compressor and spray gun, and making sure that the workshop was warm enough to prevent the lacquer from chilling as the weather was as usual cold and raining.

Sprayed many coats of lacquer for a fantastic finish as the customer required.


I used my Devilbiss spray gun, for a great even finish

Used a matt finish lacquer

The customer was very pleased with the work, and that's always a good thing right.
Thank you for viewing my Blogsite it's much appreciated. 

Thursday 18 November 2021


 Welcome; today I, want to talk about varnish and how and what its best uses are.

The varnish that I have used many times now is the varnish that's thinned out with white spirits or turpentine.

Why I like this varnish is because it gives long-lasting protection for outdoor use. I know that the downside of using this type of varnish is that it takes hours to dry and therefore can only really be used; on days without rain. Is that possible here in England?

Yes, sometimes we get a sunny day! I have had a few occasions where the weather has been awful and have had to work out in the rain whilst trying my very best to try to keep the rain off the door whilst rain is dripping down my back from a leaky gutter above.

The joys of being a French polisher I: suppose.

Another varnish that is good to use is the water-based ones.

It gives a reasonably tough finish, dries quickly and has good clarity.

Both varnishes come in Gloss, Matt, and Satin finish.

Other wood finishes such as Cellulose lacquer. I think are best suited to use on furniture rather than outdoors where they aren't made for the great outdoors.

Application on all the finishes is easy and; can be brushed on when thinned out with their respective thinners.

I have to say that a good spray finish will produce excellent results.

"Not everyone has spraying equipment I, hear you say".

Well, it's something to invest in, and in doing so, you will be able to tackle the modern furniture finishes that are -used on just about everything.

I would be - lost without my spray equipment; it has become an essential part of the modern wood finishing process.

Don't get me wrong; I love to French polish whenever the opportunity arises.

Once again, I hope that this will be of some help to you?

Tuesday 19 October 2021

As of 19th October 2021 Blog viewer count:


As of 19th October 2021

The viewer count is 90,586 and counting.

I am always astonished; as to how many viewers that I have accumulated since my last count record and today.

I would like; to thank the people of the Soviet Union; for your continued following.  It gives me great delight to see that my information is being- read, and I hope that it has helped so many of you to achieve a desirable French polished finish?

I hope that when I next record my viewers, it will reach the 100,000 mark?

Thank you; for your attention.

Kind regards,


Thursday 30 September 2021

Are you ready for winter?


Are you ready for winter?


I ask this because if you live in the Northern Hemisphere like me, then you'll know just how cold it gets.

If you are lucky enough to have your own; workshop, then it's really - important; to ensure that it's heated sufficiently during the worst of the winter months.

Why I hear you ask? Well, if your workshop is too cold, then you will notice; that when you are French polishing, a milky white ghosting effect appears on the surface, then this becomes very problematic and difficult to put right.

To avoid this happening, what I do, is to place my French polish bottle with the top off; stand the bottle in warm water as this will increase the polish temperature sufficiently enough that the chilling won't take place.

Of course, this won't help if your workshop is still cold; it’s better before starting the day's work you heat the premises to an acceptable level.


With my workshop, I have been out there when it's been dreadful; cold, therefore to rectify this problem I, purchased insulating panels to stick onto the walls with PVA glue that did not melt the insulating material as other Glues had done.

After this, I fitted plywood over the insulating sheeting that increased the heat loss tremendously.


Most of the heat escapes through the roof; this; would be problematic to deal with, so I have not insulated it.

I am sure that some; of you have seen pictures of me working in my converted garage/Workshop.

Well, I hope that this will give you good advice to improve the environment in which you work.  Let me know in the comments section below if you have or are experiencing any of these problems?

I could show you some pictures of my workshop due to how untidy it is just now it will have to wait for another day.

Thanks for your attention it's; much appreciated.



These doors were varnished by yours truly.

Friday 24 September 2021



Hi, and for any new readers, I would like to extend a very; warm welcome to my site.

Since I started Blogging, in 2011 it's been a great experience for me, as I have interacted with you out there in the wider world.

A big thank you to those that have been with me since the start of my journey.

At first, it was a way for me to share my knowledge and skills and to be able to pass them on to others in the French polishing trade.

However; since then, there has been a vast increase in interest in antique furniture and restoration programmes on television in the UK.

More people are showing an interest in wanting to learn about the subject and, that's where I hope this Blogsite comes in.

Only my experience as a French polisher (Retired now) are ever; used in my writings. Therefore you're, getting authentic information.

I intend this to be a #1 site for quality information.

So many of you from every corner of the world read and, I hope, enjoy my posts.

Your feedback is very kind, and I am, touched by it.

With over 89,000 views and growing, I could never have imagined such a result.

If just one person has either learnt or gained something from my Blogsite, then I am delighted.

Long may the skills of French polishing continue?

Thank you for your time; it is; much appreciated.



Hand French polished.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Bespoke Furniture & Finishing

Hello, today, I am going to show you a Desktop, that I have wood finished for part of a large unit.

And I thought that I had retired! 

Firstly, the solid Chery wood edging has been clamped to the front surface of the top

A lovely Mitre joint

Sanding the top edge

Applying good even pressure on the block going with the grain

The top surface has had some spray lacquer applied a few more coats to go! 
Sorry about the mess in the workshop

This is the result after Six coats of lacquerer, the customers choice of finish.
Handcrafted furniture, the remainder of the unit will be painted

The top just slides into place and becomes a working desktop surface.

This is the sheen level pattern 

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I really appreciate it.