Today, I want to tell you how to use Paint stripper / Varnish remover.
Safety first:
Always use safety goggles and gloves when using strippers, and work in a well-ventilated area.
Read all the manufactures instructions before use.
1. Firstly, you should mask off using masking tape, all the areas you want to protect.
2. Apply a thick coat of paint stripper or varnish / Remover as required, and brush the stripper out to the edges of your item to make sure that you cover the entire surface
3. When blistered, use a paint scraper or filler knife to remove the old finish.
4. Apply a second coat of stripper and follow the same procedure.
5. Now all the finish should be removed, using coarse wire wool, rub over the
Surface to remove all traces of the old finish.
6. Wash down the surface with Methylated spirits, or water to kill the stripper.
7. When dry, sandpaper the surface smooth in the direction of the grain using a
Sanding block.
8. Start with rough sandpaper, then go through the grades and finish using a fine
Grade sandpaper, for a really very smooth finish.
9. For antique pieces, strip the surface using only Methylated spirits, as this will not destroy the patina, apply the Methylated spirits to cotton wool for this method, and rub over with extra fine wire Wool No: 0000 Grade.
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