Tuesday 6 December 2011

Merry Christmas

I wish all of my readers a very Happy Christmas and New Year!

Should you wish to return the gesture just leave a message and I will do my best to reply.
When I started my Blog I never expected it to grow and spread around the world as it has this shows me that there are many of you out there that are very keen to learn about French polishing and Wood-finishing I hope you find the information useful.
Thank you for your loyalty and enjoy your holiday.


  1. And a very happy Christmas to you, old buddy!
    I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.
    They remind me of our days at the London College of Furniture, where we first met.
    Gosh, it it forty years ago already? I'm beginning to feel my age.
    May next year bring you much prosperity. All the best,

  2. Thank you very much, to my Friend Frank, and yes how the time has passed.
    And thanks for your very kind words.
    I am glad that you enjoy reading my posts.
    Age is in the mind! I hope.

  3. Happy Christmas Andrew. I'm hoping to be back soon to learn many great techniques. I have been away getting married so somewhat busy ! Just picked up a new piece for restoration (edwardian chest of drawers) so hopefully see/speak with you again very soon. Keep up the good work on the blog - I'm proud to have been a big part of your blog creation :-)

  4. Oh one more thing Andrew, to encourage comments from others you may want to open up who is able to post comments on your blog. Under your blog settings, enable anonymous and see if that helps. Currently I think you are restricting who can comment which puts some people off.

  5. Hi Graham,
    Thank you very much for your messages.
    Yes, without you this Blog would have never happened.
    Well, you have now got Married well done!
    your single days are over.
    I shall be starting another course in January so make sure to book up.
    I have just completed yet another course.
    My Blog has gone around the world and back, this makes me very happy.
    Looking forward to metting you again soon.
    Happy Christmas to you and your Wife.
