Thursday, 30 July 2015

What's in my Box

Today, I want to show you just what's in my box.

Let's start by looking inside.

Firstly, I have to say that my box has seen some work in its time, and now showing signs of wear and tear.

In the drawer, is where I keep my Powder colours, Wax fillers, Craft knives and Pencil brushes

Laid out you will see from the left to right White Spirit, Methylated Spirits, French polish, Linseed oil, Fine wire wool, Spray lacquers, Small stain bottles, Cotton wool, Masking tape, Dust mask, Various rags, Wet & Dry paper, Cabinet scraper, Sanding block, Sandpaper, Wax filler sticks, Grain liners, Dust mask Safety Goggles and Disposable Gloves.
 Missing from my box is my Rubber jar etc,  with this kit, I can do most polishing jobs required in the home or on-site.
 Feedback welcome, thanks for reading my Blogs.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Floor repair

This floor was very badly scratched by a large fridge freezer that had been dragged across the floor and left deep marks in the wood.

It had to be scrapped and sanded down to remove the lacquer, this took such a long time and needed great effort. Then the floor was coated over with a specialist floor coating for a hard-wearing and durable surface.

Yes! Did it