Tuesday 14 July 2015

Floor repair

This floor was very badly scratched by a large fridge freezer that had been dragged across the floor and left deep marks in the wood.

It had to be scrapped and sanded down to remove the lacquer, this took such a long time and needed great effort. Then the floor was coated over with a specialist floor coating for a hard-wearing and durable surface.

Yes! Did it


  1. The master does it again! Nice job Andy. Floor layers when asked will hardly ever tackle a job like this. It takes a lot of patience, hard work and knowledge to take on and complete a job like this. also it has saved the entire floor being replaced if they cant find matching boards.

    1. Yes, this has saved the entire floor having to be replaced, and therfore a very happy client.
      Thanks for reading my posts, glad you enjoy them.
