Friday 28 April 2017

Coffee table restoration

This Coffee table, as you can see is in very bad condition, it looks like it has been very badly touched up with what looks like the wrong colours.

I stripped off the old finish back to the wood, thankfully the surface was in good condition, then I had to stain match the colour with the base, and for a durable finish, I sprayed over the surface with several coats of semi-matt lacquer. 

The customer was really amazed at the outcome. 

It's best to strip off the old surface, to avoid adhesion problems between one finish and another.
Thanks for visiting my Blogsite. 


  1. Andy,the table looked great when finished. I didn't get a chance to see it before the work. The customers were very pleased with it as i got to see their faces. Another satisfied customer!!

    1. Hi and thanks, I hope that you can see a little from my picture of before to give you an idea of just how bad the Coffee Table was.
