Friday 24 January 2020

A useful tip


Today, I want to give you a useful tip that could just help you out one day.

Sometimes I have people call me up asking for me to give them a price over the phone for French polishing work.

And when I tell them that I am unable to do that why?  Because how can you price for something that you haven’t seen?  

For example, a few days ago I was asked to price for three chairs, again I thought that I have to see them for myself, good job that I did because not only were they in a very bad state, I noticed that one of the back legs had a nasty break in it thus making for a very difficult repair.

Also, the chairs were covered with fabric that was going to be changed, however; I would have to tear back the fabric to gain access to the leg.

Most people are honest but every now and then, I do and have come across people that are not completely honest with me and will not point out known faults with their furniture, until I notice them for myself.

My point is I would strongly suggest that you like me only give a price for works once you have given the item a thorough inspection.

And going back to my inspection of the three chairs, after giving what I thought was a reasonable price the client declined it as it was thought to be too expensive. 

Well, at least I saved myself, what could have been what I call a headache job.

Hope this will be of some use to you one day?

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts.

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