Wednesday 21 June 2017

If you remember this furniture

If you remember this make of furniture then you have been in the furniture business for a very long time now, I used to work on this furniture back in the 70s.

The make/range of this furniture is called Stag, now that it's come back to you hasn't it.

I never liked working on Stag furniture why I hear you ask.  Well, it was I think the hardest colour to touch up due to the graining and the amount of sprayed on colours, which made it very difficult to make good any marks or scratches.

As you can see from the pictures and the poor state of this chest of drawers it definitely needs my attention.

After stripping off the entire surface finish, I sanded down by going through the various sandpaper grades, to achieve a super smooth surface.

As I stated earlier this is extremely difficult to replicate the original colour, lucky for me I found in my wood finishing store cupboard a bottle that had been there for years, I had no idea what was in it, so I shook up the bottle and tested the stain on some timber and a miracle happened it was absolutely perfect, I could never have matched this colour or it would have taken me ages to do so.

With my spirits lifted, I went ahead and stained the unit, and once it had dried out, it was then time for me to apply several spray lacquer coats as it had been finished that way when it was made.

I am so pleased with the way this unit came out, and better still my customer was delighted with my work.

Quality workmanship once again, thanks for visiting my Blogsite.

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